Friday, May 7, 2010

What a long day...

This is a poem that one of my friends wrote for me. She is like my twin...we always wear the same jacket that we have on the same day and we don't even plan it. Its on a different day each week. It was a pretty long day and kind of weird and we were both pretty bored. Just goes to show that poetry is an art that has no boundaries.

Where art thou Nellie my golden gummy?
You are like a cherish-able cherry
oh so great to go into my tummy
A young pretty thing you are. A berry!

I love how sweet berries are, just like you.
Oh so! For it can never be guile.
Do you know what else is sweet? Mountain Dew!
but nothing can beat your joyful smile.

You are so great at whatever you try
Just like swimming, polo, and work of all kinds
I can bet if you try you can even fly
And for every boy who passes, you must blind

Altogether i must say you're and 'A'
As i watch you lay, not in a creepy way.

She wrote this for me while we were doing English homework and tanning our ugly bad tan lines from swimming everyday. Like i told you its kind of weird. But thats why she one of my good friends. My day was really weird. It all started in P.E., there are these girls that are always mugging me and when i was going to ask them what there problem was one of the freshman came up to me and asked me something about this one guy that i don't even know. I set her straight and told her i didn't want drama but her and her friends are always staring at me as if i can't see them. I don't even know those girls and they talked to me as if they already knew me. Then it was lunch time...what was i going to have for lunch, well lets see.... League was only a couple days away and our coaches told us to stay away form junk food and to not stuff our faces and that meant no soda, sugar, or anything fired. I felt like i could die!! I ended up eating sushi which seemed to be somewhat healthy...nothing was fried...i think. Then came History and to my surprise we had a test on the Russian Revolution which i only knew so much about. Everyone basically cheated on the test besides the fact that we all got one page of notes everyone was whispering the answers across the room and our teacher didn't notice and he was sitting in the middle of the room. Almost to the end of my day there was Spanish. We watched a really creepy movie about a two sided mirror in which the ending made no sense. Then almost finally there was swim practice and besides the poem which was nice...practice was really easy :). Around the time for dinner i didn't know what to eat so i had a salad. A salad for dinner. So this was my long, weird and epic day.

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