Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rules of Love.....

Rules of love.... in our society, there are so many rules about love and dating and who to date. In the short movie we watched, the parents of the girls didn't seem too intrested in the guy she was going out with as far as his personality. Now in days your parents want to know everything....who is he, where did you meet him,is he nice, who his parents are and were are you guys going to be. her parents didn't ask her anything about him. I think these "rules" that we all make are influenced by society, our parents,and religion. I thinlk these rules are set up by us so that we have someting to follow like guildelines. Honestly, how can you explain it. Is it the way that you care about someone so much that you dedicate so much of your time to them? or is it that you dont want anything to happen that person and so you have that feeling of protecting them? Or is it the constant need for their attention that drives you toward them? It takes time, from past experience, it feels great, to love someone, care about them unconditionally, be able to say “i love you”. But in the long run, if you truely love someone, it means, you are always going to be there for the person, and never leave. You wont ever feel this way unless you “jump” into love and that means opening up completely and trusting that person with your heart and setting off. if you get hurt, you cant say it was a bad experience, cause from every relationship you learn something new. and if you think it is good, well good. not much more to say on that.Love is a strange emotion that gets us at one point or another. You always hear that "nice girls" don't have sex until they get married and they won't sneak out and will always tell the truth. Sometimes in some cultures you are expected to marry with the same race as you or the same religion it all depends on what your customs are. I think it might be easier to marry within the same race/ culture because lets say that you don't and you speak another language and you want to teach your kids but your husband/wife doesn't want to because they don't know the just depends when you are going to open up to someone to feel it.

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