The fist chapter that we read in class “We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families” by – Phillip Gourvitan. Decimation, this word really stood out to me, Decimation means the killing of every tenth person in a population. In 1994 a program of massacres decimated the republic of Rwanda. Tons of dead bodies lay dead everywhere 13 months after they were killed. Humanity is part of nature and that we must go against nature to get along and have peace. Massive violence must be organized it does not occur aimlessly. There are stages of genocide 1) Classification, 2) Symbolization, 3) Dehumanization, 4) Organization, 5) Polarization, 6) Preparation, 7) Extermination, 8) Denial. The Tutsis new that they were going to die because they had seen the Hutus prepare two weeks prior to the massacre and instead of running away or doing something they just sat there and did nothing. They had resigned themselves when they were going to be killed they were saying "just let us pray, then kill us." or " i don't want to die in the streets I want to die at home. It’s like they had no will to survive.
I think genocide does a disruption in our moral behavior and changes our brain. Its almost like in video games that are teen rated well teens aren’t the only ones who play games with violence the ages are going down. Games are getting more and more violent. I think that video games can change you brain because if you play constantly and are obsessed then you are stuck in the virtual world and forget that real world even exists. One may say "i would never, i could never be capable of doing such horrible things like genocide." But the truth is that many people can and will do it if they are given the power and are told that they will have no responsibility. People can just go crazy when they have the power. When i was researching genocide i came across a blog post that was posted by someone named Jenn Polish, it's entitled Genocide by... Abortion?. So if it is then genocide still exists because they are poo innocent babies that didn't necessarily ask to be brought into this world. Its not their fault and yet they are getting the blame and they are being killed and they have no say in the matter. Even thought some women can't take care of the child and doesn't want to give it up for adoption because maybe by then she will feel attached to him/her or for whatever the reason its not right. I think genocide still exists even if there isn't massive killings but there are a lot of other issuse like racism.
In the book "Night" by - Elie Wiesel he was a Jew and he talked about how at first there were no Germans and then there were they put them in ghetto's and then the Germans disappeared again. A lot of the Jews thought that the Germans were putting them in ghettos for their own good because the Germans weren't doing anything to them, they weren't hurting them. Little did they know that the Germans had big plans for the Jews. First they took the and kicked them out of their houses took away all their gold and their Jewelry but they didn't separate the families. They put them in groups and send them on a train to who knows where. When they were taken to Auschwitz and told that some of them are going to die by being burned alive they took it so calmly, sure there were murmurs about revolting but they quickly died out. Then some of the SS soldiers asked why they had come,didn't hey know what was in store for them and one person said did you think we had a choice, we were forced to come. But despite all that no one wanted to rebel or complain with the fear of getting shot or burned. "Over there-that's where you're going to be taken. That's your grave, over there.'" Chapter 3 pg.28 They had been taken to a concentration camp. The SS officers told them that they would remember this forever.
"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed....Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never." Chapter 3 pg.32